

Framework for an Active DAO Treasury Execution 04 Jan 2023 ● claberus.eth An analysis of a non-custodial and trust-minimised way to delegate treasury actions. The DAO Governance Conundrum DAOs are a crypto primitive. They represent a new organisational construct rooted in the digital age that advocates for permissionless and transparent governance through immutable smart contracts. Its decentralised ownership promotes cooperation through intricate incentive schemes governed by capital ownership. However immensely useful to prevent the arbitrary decision-making of hierarchical structures, this approach has ultimately been taken to an extreme. The “decentralise everything” movement quickly evolved into an “everybody should decide on everything” mindset that has slowed progress in some technical matters across most DAOs so far. Treasury Management is undoubtedly one of those areas. DAO token holders are the ultimate owners and decision-makers of the DAO. We could argue that voting on t...

David Hirst 15

t was supposed to deal an initial, crippling blow to that other non-state Islamist militia, the one based on Palestinian soil itself, that was becoming an increasingly coherent, disciplined and effective fighting force - and, though still lagging way behind it, more and more like the Hizbullah which it sought to emulate, and which, together with Iran, had helped to arm and train it. The missile was Hamas’s trademark weapon too. For years it had been lobbing the primitive, home-made, short-range Qassam into the Israeli border town of Sderot. But of late it had introduced longer-range types that could reach such major southern towns as Ashkelon, Ashdod or Beersheba. The idea behind the inaugural onslaught, said an Israeli defence analyst, had been ‘to kill as many people connected to Hamas as possible’ in the hope of persuading its leaders to ‘surrender or plead for a ceasefire’. That was why, ‘in planning to attack buildings and sites populated by hundreds of people, the Israeli Defence...

David Hirst

EPILOGUE Obaman Peace — Or Seventh War? Coming hard on the heels of Lebanon 2006, Gaza 2009 was yet another and yet more dramatic episode, not merely in the Arab-Israeli conflict but in that interconnected, multi-faceted Middle Eastern mega-crisis of which it is the heart. Could anyone doubt that without some new and truly serious diplomatic action to stop the rot, not only would things get worse, they would do so at a quickening pace? If there was any quarter in the world that might - and after decades of unseriousness it is as well to stress the might — possess the means, and above all the will, to undertake one it had to be the new American administration. This is not the place for an armchair contribution to the ‘peace process’, or rather to that industry - of debates and seminars, policy papers and punditry, the outpourings of think tanks and academia - which, in addition to the practical exertions of governments and international officialdom, it endlessly engenders. Suffice it t...

edge computing

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the sources of data. This is expected to improve response times and save bandwidth.[1] Edge computing is an architecture rather than a specific technology,[2] and a topology- and location-sensitive form of distributed computing. The origins of edge computing lie in content distributed networks that were created in the late 1990s to serve web and video content from edge servers that were deployed close to users.[3] In the early 2000s, these networks evolved to host applications and application components on edge servers,[4] resulting in the first commercial edge computing services[5] that hosted applications such as dealer locators, shopping carts, real-time data aggregators, and ad insertion engines.[4] Internet of things (IoT) is an example of edge computing. A common misconception is that edge and IoT are synonymous.[6] The edge computing infrastructure Definition Edit One defi...