
Showing posts from July, 2023

SAFE resource allocation

About: Decentralized governance / DAOs established a vision for the possibility of decentralized, neutral public goods owned by the public. However, after 3+ years of live data emerging around decentralized networks, decentralized coordination is still a work in progress. During this period, 1kx has supported, invested, and participated in over 40+ DAOs and incubated/launched many ourselves. Through our experience, the case for decentralized resource allocation has a long way to go with finding a long-term viable model, with most DAOs experiencing major coordination failures such as the following: Unclear consensus and clarity on core DAO activities and product strategy, leading to excessive spending and misallocation of community resources to misaligned initiatives. Lack of oversight, feedback loops, and accountability of community initiatives leading to overhiring and working groups with unreasonably high burn rates and low output efficiency. Inadequate contributor quality curati...


tokenomics Jan 26 12d lakejynch 1 Jan 26 Author(s): Jake Lynch, L1 Digital Created: January 26, 2023 (New York) Goal This proposal outlines a mechanism for the SAFE token that would create a sustainable value proposition for the token. To accomplish this task, we have some high-level goals: Value Capture Not Tax Whenever possible, a token should not create a tax on existing users. A tax disincentives use of the platform and opens up opportunities for competitors (crypto case studies for this include: Uniswap Sushi and Opensea Looksrare). Rather, a token for a primitive should unlock the unique value of the dApp, which will have it’s own inherent value beyond cash flows. In traditional business models this is analogous to the “freemium” model. The Token Should Solve Problems Crypto tokens are an improvement on opensource in that they can be used to incentivize work. Effective token models turn liabilities into assets. You’ve heard the expression “one man’s junk is another man’s...


Title: SafeDAO Constitution Authors: Lukas Schor (with early support from Longhash Team) Created: 2023-01-10 Abstract This proposal introduces a constitution for SafeDAO, defining its stakeholders as well as its mission, goals and principles. It is proposed that changes to this constitution require a stricter governance process than regular SEPs, that is double the quorum and a ⅔ majority vote. Proposal details Purpose and Background Decentralized autonomous organizations contain a particular promise: the ability to solve old coordination problems through ‘smart contracts’ that encode constitutional rights. Although smart contracts are promising new tools for governance, they alone cannot govern communities; traditional constitutions and declarations of rights are still crucial for good governance. (Metagov 29) DAOs set out to improve coordination through technical means, but soon realized that a governance smart contract is not sufficient. Without a north-star to rally the community...

safe sep

Abstract: The purpose of the governance framework is to define and outline the key stakeholders involved in the governance of SafeDAO, to establish a dynamic governance approach and to describe the governance process. Proposal details: A. Hierarchy of governance sources 1600×1128 94.8 KB SafeDAO governance is built on a hierarchy of norms. In this hierarchy, each level must comply with the level above. On top stands the SafeDAO constitution, which sets the blueprint for SafeDAO, a decentralized collective, stewarding the thriving ecosystem around the Safe Smart Accounts on Ethereum and other blockchains. The governance framework must align with the constitution, and in turn, seasons and proposals must adhere to the governance framework. This structure ensures each element supports and enforces the broader goals outlined in the constitution. B. Stakeholder overview SafeDAO is made up of various stakeholder groups, with a participant potentially being part of several groups. An ove...