
Showing posts from November, 2023


Framework for an Active DAO Treasury Execution 04 Jan 2023 ● claberus.eth An analysis of a non-custodial and trust-minimised way to delegate treasury actions. The DAO Governance Conundrum DAOs are a crypto primitive. They represent a new organisational construct rooted in the digital age that advocates for permissionless and transparent governance through immutable smart contracts. Its decentralised ownership promotes cooperation through intricate incentive schemes governed by capital ownership. However immensely useful to prevent the arbitrary decision-making of hierarchical structures, this approach has ultimately been taken to an extreme. The “decentralise everything” movement quickly evolved into an “everybody should decide on everything” mindset that has slowed progress in some technical matters across most DAOs so far. Treasury Management is undoubtedly one of those areas. DAO token holders are the ultimate owners and decision-makers of the DAO. We could argue that voting on t...