Linda Schilling
How societies organise their monetary systems is a consequence of the interaction of
ideas (e.g. should a central bank target price stability?) with technology (e.g. how good
are we at issuing money that is hard to counterfeit?). This interaction is dynamic:
improvements in technology drive how we think about money and, vice versa, changes
in our ideas about money lead to developing new monetary technologies. Also, it is a
punctuated interaction: periods of rapid change are intersected among long years of
stability. Right now, we are living in one of those times of quick transformation. The
internet, advanced cryptography, and fast computational power mean that it is well
within the realm of feasibility to completely change our financial system. And these
technologies have led the private sector to introduce new ideas in the form of digital
currencies, from bitcoin to Facebook’s diem.
In response to this technological and private sector pressure, central banks are
considering a move from a structure where they operate only with large depository
institutions to a system where they interact with the public at large (‘central banking for
all’) through the issuance of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Even just 20 years
ago, the logistical challenge of a central bank running hundreds of millions of checking
accounts and tens of thousands of branches would have made the concept of a central
bank open to all risible. Today, it is possible.
But something being possible does not make it desirable from society’s perspective. As
more central banks rush into considering CBDCs, we must step back and weigh the costs
and benefits of this new dispensation. That is why, in our recent work (Schilling et al.
2020, Fernández-Villaverde et al. 2021), we have highlighted how central banks that issue
a CBDC will need to confront classic banking issues: achieving maturity transformation
while providing liquidity.
One first thread in our work is that central banks, contrary to the perception of many, are
also subject to runs, which we call ‘spending runs’. If the agents in the economy believe
that the price level will increase soon (regardless of whether this belief is based on solid
facts), they will run to get rid of their holdings of central bank liabilities – whether they
be cash, deposits or CDBC – as soon as they can. Since the total amount of goods existing
in the economy is essentially fixed in the very short run, the consequence of a spending
run will either be an immediate increase in prices, thus self-fulling the concerns about
inflation that triggered the run, or shortages due to the stocking out of goods.
Such spending runs occurred often during the 20th century. For instance, in May 1990,
the faltering Soviet government proposed an increase in retail prices. Although this
proposal was never approved, it nonetheless led to a massive run on the ruble. Shops,
either state-owned or in the growing private sector, soon stocked out (Ellman 2014:
78). Similar spending runs occurred in Latin America during the 1970s and early 1980s
whenever rumours of a devaluation spread. Interestingly, when a spending run occurs,
the central bank’s ability to issue unlimited nominal liabilities (an alleged fool-proof
barrier against financial crises) is counterproductive: additional nominal liabilities only
aggravate the situation, as agents will have even more incentive to spend those nominal
liabilities as soon as possible.
Note that a spending run is not about exchanging a CBDC for cash or deposits; these
are just other nominal liabilities of the central bank, either directly (cash) or indirectly
(deposits convertible into cash). A spending run is about getting rid of the CBDC and
any other central bank nominal liability by transforming them into real goods or assets
(rolls of toilet paper, a car, a house) before inflation erodes the rate of exchange between
nominal liabilities and real goods.
Spending runs are not unique to CBDCs. We know since at least Obstfeld and Rogoff (1983)
that self-fulling hyperinflation is inherent to government-issued monies. FernándezVillaverde and Sanches (2019) show that the same problem plagues privately issued
cryptocurrencies. But a CBDC puts the central bank on the spot because the speed of
electronic transactions makes it possible to have a spending run nearly instantaneously.
A second main thread of our work is that, because of the existence of nearly instantaneous
spending runs, central banks face what we call the CBDC trilemma. In general, one would
like a central bank to deliver three goals. First, we want financial stability – that is, to
avoid the spending runs we described above. Second, we want efficiency – that is, that
the economy achieves the optimal risk-sharing between patient and impatient agents (or,
equivalently, the optimal maturity transformation between short-run deposits and longrun investment projects). Third, we want price stability – that is, prices do not change
too fast and disrupt allocations, for instance because most contracts are expressed in
nominal terms.
Note: For the central bank, it is impossible to attain all three objectives at a time. When prioritising one objective, at least
one other objective must be sacrificed.
In Schilling et al. (2020) we argued that, unfortunately, a central bank that operates a
CBDC can only deliver two of these three goals. Figure 1 summarises the idea that, when
prioritising one objective, at least one other objective must be sacrificed.
We formally prove our argument by building a nominal version of the classical model
of Diamond and Dybvig (1983). We pick this model because it emphasises banks’ role
in maturity transformation: banks pool resources and finance long-term projects with
demand deposits that can be withdrawn at a short time horizon to meet liquidity shocks
by impatient agents. By offering risk-sharing, banks enable allocations that are not
attainable under autarky. Yet, the optimal amount of risk-sharing requires banks to be
prone to runs. While our results are cast in terms of our Diamond and Dybvig model, we
conjecture that the CBDC trilemma appears in a large class of models of banking, as it
captures essential trade-offs that reach beyond the details of a concrete model.
We depart from the original formulation of the Diamond and Dybvig model in a crucial
aspect. While Diamond and Dybvig (1983) consider intermediation with private banks,
a CBDC implies central bank intermediation. In fact, to make our model as stark as
possible, we just assume that the central bank operates all real technology and provides
all the economy’s deposit functionality.1 This difference is consequential because a central
bank can control the price level. For example, a central bank can issue additional units
of a CBDC to cover losses in its loan portfolio, implicitly diffusing the costs of the credit
losses among all holders of the currency. To further simplify the analysis, we also assume
that a central bank can influence (within some constraints) how many goods are offered
1 In an extension, we analyse how our results extend to the case where the central bank shares the deposit market with
private banks. Our main results hold with some minor qualifications.
in the economy in the short run. This assumption is not too different from, for example,
the standard assumption in New Keynesian models where central banks determined
output in the short run by setting a nominal interest rate.
As the first part of the trilemma, we prove that the central bank can always implement
the socially optimal allocation in dominant strategies while deterring runs by credibly
threatening high inflation whenever nominal spending is excessive. This threat is
implemented by limiting the supply of goods in the case of a run, thereby rendering early
spending by patient agents (i.e. those who do not receive utility from consuming right
now) suboptimal ex post. Since holders of a CBDC are rational, the central bank’s inflation
threat deters runs ex ante, such that high inflation only occurs off the equilibrium path.
This result contrasts with the Diamond and Dybvig model, where banks do not have the
option of changing the aggregate price level in response to a run. Hence, there, runs can
occur as equilibrium phenomena, in which case the social optimum does not obtain.
On the second part of the trilemma, the threat of inflation may not be credible for modern
central banks given their commitment to price stability, which is often reinforced in their
governing charters or imposed by the political process. If we take the central bank’s
commitment to price stability seriously and we enforce it as the primary objective within
the model, either the allocation is suboptimal or a spending run on the central bank
currency can no longer be ruled out.
Our CBDC trilemma does not appear because central bankers are pursuing their private
interests; in our environment, central bankers try their very best to deliver the goals we
impose (financial stability, optimal risk sharing and price stability) but face inescapable
trade-offs. Nonetheless, CBDCs might also complicate the political economy of central
banking in ways that are not fully appreciated. The CBDC trilemma becomes much more
significant under these political-economy pressures.
In Fernández-Villaverde et al. (2021), we sketch some of these concerns. We prove that
a central bank can offer the socially optimal deposit contract through CBDCs, just as
commercial banks do (an ‘equivalence result’). But we also show that a central bank can
exploit two fundamental aspects of public law in nearly all legal systems: the seniority of
the debt to the central bank and the protection it enjoys against forced liquidation. The
central bank can take advantage of these two features to offer contracts with a higher
expected rate of return than that which commercial banks can offer and displace them
from the market. This displacement occurs even when the central bank does not have any
fiscal backing from the government. But this monopoly power can endanger the supply of
the first-best amount of maturity transformation in the economy by allowing the central
bank to deviate from offering the socially optimal deposit contract. In other words, the
‘equivalence result’ is fragile.
Can central banks resist this temptation? Political-economic reasons make us doubt it.
In July 2020, the ECB approved its new monetary policy strategy.2 A central aspect of the
new strategy is an ambitious climate change action plan that answers growing political
pressure across Europe. Indeed, if the central bank has market power, it can divert
investment toward environmentally friendly technologies, for instance by diverting the
profits generated by market power toward firms with lower CO2 emissions through more
advantageous financial contracts. Is this the best way to fight climate change?
The political-economic pressures are endless: diverting investment toward firms that
lead in gender and racial equality, diverting investment toward firms to bridge the rural–
urban divide, diverting investment toward poorer regions, diverting investment toward
firms that offer a better balance of family and work life, diverting investment toward
‘strategic’ sectors of high added value, diverting investment toward ‘national champions’,
and so forth. More worrisome, we are concerned with the ubiquity of less benign reasons,
such as diverting investment to firms owned by the cronies of the political party in power.
We must realise, therefore, that CBDCs represent a risk to how central banks operate.
By forcing central banks into policy issues beyond their core purview, CBDCs create
mechanisms that might induce the political process to reconsider central bank
independence. If a central bank is increasing financial inclusion (an explicitly stated
goal of many defendants of CBDCs), many voters might ask why it should enjoy a higher
level of independence while implementing this goal than, for example, a regular ministry
of finance. Where are the time-inconsistency considerations that motivate granting
independence to a central bank narrowly focused on conducting conventional monetary
policy? While these might not be unsurmountable challenges to the introduction of
CBDCs, they are, nonetheless, essential considerations to keep in mind.
Central banks will face, in a world with CBDCs, a whole new set of challenges. In our
work, we have characterised what we think is the most important: the CBDC trilemma
of financial stability, optimal risk sharing, and price stability. But the implications of this
CBDC trilemma run deeper, to the core of central banking. We want to be sure of what
we do before we open the door to CBDCs.
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