Chapter 5 DAO specific provisions Chapter 5 acknowledges that DAOs present new opportunities but also challenges. These opportunities and challenges must be addressed explicitly in the Model Law, and therefore do not have a counterpart in traditional corporate law rules. We have included provisions on Contentious Forks in the underlying blockchain (Articles 3(6), 16), DAO restructuring (Article 17), and DAO failure events (Article 18). As to Article 16, unlike corporations which can act as one authoritative counterparty in their dealings by way of their separate legal personality, DAOs can experience Hard Forks pursuant to which multiple blockchain forks coexist, assets are duplicated and multiple instantiations of a DAO are created on different chains. During a Contentious Fork, there is an absence of an authority that makes a definitive choice of a chain and thus, there is a lack of an authoritative counterparty for a DAO. This is a particularly acute problem when dealing with Off-Ch...